119 S. Broadway Avenue, New Richland, MN
Architecture: Neo-Classical
Year Built: 1902
Strangers Refuge Lodge Number 74, Independent Order of Odd Fellows was an important social/fraternal organization in New Richland when the hall was constructed in 1902. The building was a convenient and flexible venue for other fraternal, social, and religious groups plus large gatherings for musical and theatrical performances, dance parties, motion picture shows, and school functions. From 1902 – 1918, the entire ground floor was used and referred to as the New Richland Opera House. In 1918, a variety store moved into the front part of the first floor and in 1924, a general store was opened on the first floor that in 1956 expanded into a building next door. The second floor of the hall continued to serve a variety of local groups until the Odd Fellows Lodge was dissolved in 1979. The building as added to the National Register of Historic Places in July of 2006. The New Richland Public Library moved into the building in 2013.