Displaying 13051 - 13075 of 42969 records

Print, Photographic

Erv Eichhorst at Waldorf Post Office. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - interior of Waldorf post Office located in the Waldorf Community Center - man behind counter identified as Erv Eichhorst, Post Office Relief.

Print, Photographic

Waldorf Post Office. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - pictured: interior of Waldorf post Office located in the Waldorf Community Center.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Rural School Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - pictured: display case filled with books and artifacts representing things found in rural schools: bell, wooden chair, books, photos of U.S. Presidents, ink bottle, apple, lunch box, clock, microscope, musical instruments, slates, paints, Tinker Toys and chalk.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Rural School Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - pictured: display case containing blotters, trade cards, handbills, commemorative buttons, bumper sticker and flag.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Military Campaigns Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: World War I artifacts, dog tags, diary, divisional patches, photographs, advertisements, leggings.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Military Campaigns Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: Spanish American War display showing uniforms, campaign hat, canteen, mess kit, photographs.

Print, Photographic

Spanish American War Display. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: Spanish American War display of blue wool overcoat, canteen, backpack, U.S. flags, photographs.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Military Campaigns Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: colored print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: World War II (WWII) display showing U.S. Army Major's uniform, pin up girl, foreign money, camouflaged watch, medals, maps.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Military Campaigns Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: Civil War display showing Union Army cap, medals, badges, photographs.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Military Campaigns Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: Operation Desert Storm & Shield artifacts such as a flight suit and helmet, U.S. Army uniform camoflage fatigues, photographs, medals, ribbon bars, patches, magazines, U.S. flags, maps, and a teddy bear in uniform.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Military Campaigns Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: Korea War display showing U.S. Marine uniform, U.S. flags, U.S. Army uniform, Ft. Leonard Wood silk pillow cover, duffle bag.

Print, Photographic

WCHS Military Campaigns Exhibit. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Historical Society's museum exhibit "Military Campaigns" pictured: women's military service uniforms on dress forms - photographs of Waseca County military women and a SPARS poster.

Print, Photographic

Waseca Main Street. Waseca State Street. Waseca South State Street. Material: paper. Size: 4" W. x 5 7/8" L. Description: color print - pictured: Waseca businesses in winter - view looking south along State Street (Highway 13) at the highway and 2nd Street N. intersection - visible: Edward D. Jones & Co., Dale Dardis Chiropractic Clinic, Sieverts Jewelry Store, Olde World Optical, McLoone Law Office, First National Bank, Personalized Printing on west side and Four Seasons Athletic, Rieck De ... more

Print, Photographic

Waseca Main Street. Waseca State Street. Material: paper. Size: 4" W. x 5 7/8" L. Description: color print - pictured: downtown Waseca looking south on State Street (Hwy. 13) from middle of block between Elm Avenue (Hwy. 14) and 2nd Avenue N.E.; businesses visible: First National Bank, Personalized Printing, Golden Touch Beauty Salon, Pheasant Cafe, Larry's Bar, Chevrolet Garage/Lewer Auto on west side; vehicles parked along street.

Print, Photographic

Waseca Main Street. Waseca State Street. Waseca South State Street. Material: paper. Size: 4" W. x 5 7/8" L. Description: color print - downtown Waseca; view looking south on State Street (Hwy. 13) from intersection of Highways 13 and 14; businesses visible: Personalized Printing, Golden Touch Beauty Salon, Pheasant Cafe, Larry's Bar, Shari's Dance Studio, Chevrolet Garage/Lewer Auto, Olde Towne Eatery on west side; vehicles parked along street - intersection directional highway signs.

Print, Photographic

Waseca Main Street. Waseca State Street. South State Street, Waseca. Material: paper. Size: 4" W. x 5 7/8" L. Description: color print - downtown Waseca; view looking south on State Street (Highway 13) from intersection of State Street and 2nd Avenue N.; businesses visible: 4 Season's Athletics, Realty World, Rieck Dental Office, Huneke Photography Studio, Barden's Bar east side of street; vehicles parked along street - stoplights and directional highway signs at intersection.

Print, Photographic

South State Street, Waseca. Waseca State Street. Waseca Main Street. Material: paper. Size: 4" W. x 5 7/8" L. Description: color print - downtown Waseca; view looking south on State Street (Highway 13) from intersection of State Street and 2nd Avenue N.; businesses visible:old Farmer's National Bank building, Edward Jones & Co., Dardis Chiropratic, Sievert's Jewelry Store, Olde World Optical, McLoone Law Office, First National Bank, Personalized Pringing on west side; vehicles parked along str ... more

Print, Photographic

Waseca County Courthouse Clock Tower. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Court House Centennial Celebration; pictured: courthouse clock tower.

Photograph, Negative, Film

County Courthouse Clock Tower Fill Image. Material: plastic. Size: 7/8" W. x 1 3/8" L. Description: colored film image of Waseca County Court House Centennial Celebration; pictured: courthouse clock tower.

Print, Photographic

County Courthouse Solders' Memorial. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Courthouse Centennial Celebration; pictured: soldier's memorial plaque on Courthouse corner; Courthouse in background; floral landscaping in foreground; celebration tent in left background.

Photograph, Negative, Film

Material: plastic. Size: 7/8" W. x 1 3/8" L. Description: colored film image - Waseca County Courthouse Centennial Celebration; pictured: soldier's memorial plaque on Courthouse corner; Courthouse in background; floral landscaping in foreground; celebration tent in left background.

Print, Photographic

County Courthouse Cannon. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County Courthouse Centennial Celebration; pictured: cannon on the southeast corner of the courthouse lot; boy (Mathew Wilkus) holding balloons and John Wilkus stand by cannon; picnic tables in background.

Photograph, Negative, Film

Material: plastic. Size: 7/8" W. x 1 3/8" L. Description: colored film image - Waseca County Courthouse Centennial Celebration; pictured: cannon on the southeast corner of the courthouse lot; boy (Mathew Wilkus) holding balloons and John Wilkus stand by cannon; picnic tables in background.

Print, Photographic

County Courthouse Bunting. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" W. x 4 7/8" L. Description: color print - Waseca County CourtHouse Centennial Celebration; pictured: red, white and blue bunting strung across Courthouse entrance; a sign on step landing: "KOWO 1170 AM KRUE __ FM"; a microphone and chair set up in the middle section; foreground sign: "Court House Tours".

Photograph, Negative, Film

Material: plastic. Size: 7/8" W. x 1 3/8" L. Description: colored film image - Waseca County CourtHouse Centennial Celebration; pictured: red, white and blue bunting strung across Courthouse entrance; a sign on step landing: "KOWO 1170 AM KRUE __ FM"; a microphone and chair set up in the middle section; foreground sign: "Court House Tours".