Displaying 5951 - 5975 of 42903 records

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 2 Correspondence from M.A. Goar, San Bernardino, CA 20 July 1902 to George Reymund.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 2 Correspondence from G.W. Saull 11 August 1909 to Remund.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 2 Correspondence from J.T. Johnson 30 March 1917 to Justus Reinhardt regarding road work.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Hand written satisfaction of mortgage Aug. Minske, Mortgager regarding Trashing Outfit 20 October 1903.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Hand written Warrant of Appointment of Louis Farrell to the office of Constable 6 May 1890.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Hand written note requiring someone to appear before Albert Remund, Berman, Daniel Riegh and Conrad Reineke board of equalization of the town of Blooming Grove at the house of Schutte to give evidence in a certain cause then also about the indebtedness to Maleachy Madden. Note at bottom: For serving paper on Patrick, 4 miles, will be 40 cents. Number of sheets: 1

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Promissory note Frank Healy to pay Broughten and Johnson.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Receipt to Judge for Returned Ballots November 1896.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Auditor's Note to Appear and Receive Primary Election Ballots 11 September 1902.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Lewis & Leslie account vs. Town of Blooming Grove amount of claim $5.00, amount allowed $5.00.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Hand written order for assessing highway tax for 1862.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Contract promissory note that M.A. Keegan will deliver one American No. 7 sewing machine to John Cantwell signed 18 February 1899.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Receipt for Assessment Books 13 July 1916. Auditor's Office received Blooming Grove assessment books from Kanne 13 July 1916.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 2 Contract to pay Estey & Camp for organ signed Adeline Mosher 27 July 1886. Promissory note to pay Babcock & Elmer for purchase of Packard Organ signed Thomas Dardis 11 November 1897.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Receipt from Auditor's Office stating no delinquent taxes on property listed 3 November 1881.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Claim of Albert Remund for township duties performed 1882.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Subdistrict No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 list of names and number of males and females. Log School House ? $100.00.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Note to Town Clerk of Blooming Grove from Auditor's Office stating Town current amount, Town Road and Bridge amount and delinquent road amount. 28 February 1883.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Meeting minutes of Blooming Grove School District held at Patrick Healy house 2 April 1861. Decision to divide town into subdistricts. Signed Phil Woodruff, Trustee.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Note from John Saufferer, Highway Overseer for Road District No. 1 regarding names of person assessed to work on the highways and names of all those who have actually worked on the highway with the number of days they have actually worked and list of names of those who have been fined and the sum they have been fined.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Note from Patrick Healy, Justice of the Peace 19 January 1871 stating that on the 19th of January A.D. 1871, Thomas Bowe posted a copy of the within petition in three of the most public places of the town of Blooming Grove. (The petition was not included with letter.)

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Hand written note stating that Matilda Tremper certified to be Teacher of Common Schools 26 June 1861, signed Phil Woodriff.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 1 Writ of Attachment, Justice's Court, for Whitney 17 June 1874.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 5 Acceptance of Overseer documents to Remund, Town Clerk, signed Reineke, Reinhardt, Dardis, Saufferer, Behne. 12 March 1878.

Blooming Grove Township Records

Number of sheets: 4 Acceptance of Overseer documents to Remund, Town Clerk, signed Jamesen, McDermott, Dardis. 1880.