8440 P (a)
Bag, Flour
1930 Approximate
Material: textile. Size: 29" W. x 30" L. Description: white cotton muslin - chainstitched seam on one side and across bottom - 40 lbs. wheat flour sack - gold stamped and encircled on one side: "Washburn Crosby Flour, Washburn's Trade Mark Gold Medal Flour" - stamped below: "Gold Medal Flour, Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. General Mills, Inc. General Office, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bleached 40 lb. Reg. U.S.Pat.Off., Gold Medal Flour" - stamped in upper left shield: "Accepted American Medical Assn. Council on Foods" - reverse stamped: "Washburn's Gold Medal Flour. Eventually - Why Not Now? Gold Medal Flour" and "Reg. U.S.Pat.Off. for Bread-Cake, Biscuits".
Estate of Mrs. Joe (Marlys) Manthey.