Waseca County Historical Society Records
Waseca County Historical Society Newsletter. History Notes, Volume 39, Issue 3, Summer 2017. Contents: cover photograph of day lilies and a white building at The Hofmann Apiaries; inside: WCHS 2017 Board of Directors; Staff; Hours; Exit letter by Sheila Morris; color photographs of: Sheila Morris, Change is Upon Us and Letting Go by Joan, Vanessa, Pauline, Linda, and WCHS Board; Summer Time at Hofmann Apiaries; color photographs of gardens and gatherings at the honey farm; Beekeeper: Honey Boom by Susan Torgerson; Donate to the Hofmann Apiaries Improvement Fund; Vietnam War PBS documentary series; SoMN History, Blue Star Museum; New Members, Renewed Members, Annual Fund Donations, Memorials, Honorariums, Appropriations, Volunteers. Annual Meeting and Sheila's retirement party invitation. Color photographs of Sheila Morris throughout her years of service at the WCHS; Tidbits from the Curators - a hat holder and an unusual fork; Exhibit space changes happening; on back page Sheila Morris and Hodgson Hall fresh coat of paint. Number of sheets: 1