Waseca County Historical Society Records
Waseca County Historical Society Newsletter. History Notes, Volume 21, No. 2, Spring 2000. Contents: From the Desk of Margaret Sinn: road in front of museum dug up, brick street found; Dome of museum painted by Mark Barens; black and white photograph of Mark Barens, Don Wynnemer and George Kastelle putting up scaffolding; New Web Site and Email for WCHS and Staff: Margaret Sinn, Sheila Morris, Terri Barens, Joan Mooney; photographs of Mark Barens painting museum dome; Gift Shop items; Fair Volunteers needed; Second Ave NE Waseca brick street, photographs from 1910; George Ericson / Eugene Iverd, photographs of his artwork; WAGS RAG Newsletter; Waseca City Census 1934 Kahnke - Kane; Meet the Board - Donald Zwach; Curator's Corner by Terrie Barens; Spelling Bee; Spring Luncheons; Bailey House Grand Opening; Gift Shop; Waseca Garden Tour; photographs of Bailey house before, during and after renovation; Memorials. Number of sheets: 1