Waseca County Historical Society Records
Waseca County Historical Society Newsletter. History Notes, Volume 36, Issue 3, September 2014. Contents: cover photo of Herter's Importing Office door - entrance to museum's Herter exhibit; WCHS 2014 Board of Directors; Staff; Hours; Letter from Co-Executive Directors Joan Mooney and Sheila Morris; Photographs of museum stained glass window restoration; Herter Documentary in the works; WCHS Presented four major events in a 30 hour period; Herter's Swap Meet; Craft Beer Fest; Museum gets a new roof; photographs from Rock and Roll Revue, Swap Meet, Craft Beer Fest and film maker Gideon Kennedy; Timeline Exhibit Plan with photographs; Collecting Herter's exhibit with photographs; Membership; Donations; Memorials; logos from Herter Event sponsors; upcoming events; Photograph on back of volunteer Katherine Rieck handing out popcorn at fair and Vanessa Zimprich and Katherine Rieck setting up Herter exhibit; Gift shop t-shirts. Number of sheets: 2