Clothing, Doll
1950 Approximate
Doll Clothes Wardrobe. Material: textile, metal. Size: pieces vary in size to fit either the 7" Betsy McCall doll or the 8" Ginny doll. Description: (8.22.4) yellow coat; (a) pink dress; (b) white hat; (c) pink sunsuit; (d) pink pajama; (e) white/red sunsuit; (f) green shorts; (g) green blouse; (h) pink panty.
A wardrobe handsewn by donor's mother, Blanche Gedosch, consists of #8.22.4: a yellow felt coat, white felt tam with ribbons, pink dress, pink pajama, pink panty; pink sunsuit, white and red sunsuit and green checkered cotton short and blouse set. This wardrobe was made to fit both the Ginny doll and the Betsy McCall doll #8.22.2.