Postcard, Picture
Postcard Greeting From Waseca. Material: paper. Size: 3 1/2" x 5". Description: cardstock front image of a painted tree lined road with stone fence on each side captioned, "Greetings from Waseca, Minn."; reverse side message to "Dear Cutely Pie, Here's a little [...] of Waseca, Minn. I was over there last night. Pretty nice place. Write Soon. B.P. Box 96, Love Linda P." Addressed to Miss Elaine Peterson, Dexter, Minn., R.1 c/o Isadore Peterson; one cent stamp; postmarked March 10, 1947 from Blooming Prairie, Minnesota.
Sent to WCHS from the Lanesboro Museum, found in their collection when cataloging an estate donation from Don Ward.