Ledger, Pocket
Farmer's Pocket Ledger. Material: paper. Size: 3 3/4" x 6 1/2". Description: tan tinted card stock cover with red edging; title information: "Farmer's Pocket Ledger 73rd Edition, Compliments of Edw. (Nash) Priebe, Waseca, Minn." ; handwritten in pencil "Mrs. [sic]and Mrs. Wally Anderson, 657 10th Ave. No., So. St. Paul, Minn. a. m. 217 1/2 State St." Back cover 1939-1940 yearly calendars. Contents: a notebook intended to aid in keeping a daily record of farming operations, with additional information sponsored by the John Deere Company including detailed drawings and information on each model John Deere tractor and farm implements such as a farm engine, tractors, disk, integral, two-way, sulky, hillside, general purpose, blackland, mixed land, middle breaker and walking plows, harrow and weed destroyers, cultivators, corn and cotton planters, stalk cutters, damming equipment, two-row listers, one-horse drill, steel box drill, fertilizer-grain drills, deep furrow drills, lime and fertilizer distributors, beet and bean tools, potato planters, potato diggers, walking cultivators, leverless cultivator, manure spreader, power mower, enclosed-gear mower, side-livery rakes, sulky rakes, sweep rakes, hay stackers, hay loaders, motor presses, windrow pick up press, grain binders, pickers, corn binder, corn shellers, hammer mill, straw-walker thresher, farm wagons, shoveling boards, trailers and farm trucks.