Print, Photographic
1890 Approximate
Portrait of a Sami Family and Their Sod House. Material: paper. Size: 4 1/2" x 6 1/2". Description: black and white photograph of three generations, eleven men, women, children and one baby held in a papoose-like wicker carrier; all are posed standing beside, seated in front of or on the sod hut which is built inside a sapling frame. A. J. Lawin, New Richland, Minn. reproduced this photo in his studio.
This photo is part of the Joseph and Emma Knutson Saltvold Collection. This is a file photo that is in the public domain and was used by a New Richland photographer probably as an advertising prop. Actual photograph credit goes to Granbergs Nya Aktiebolag / Public domain. The second photo by comparison is found on the Internet at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nordic_Sami_people_Lavvu_1900-1920.jpg You can see the same people on both photos.