A Bit of the Pink Schoolhouse History; 2nd Printing February 2019. Material: paper, plastic. Size: 8 1/2" x 11". Description: parchment colored card stock cover with a center graphic photo of a pink one-story building; title print, "A Bit of 'The Pink Schoolhouse' History, Waseca County, Minnesota, Rural School, District #20 Wilton Township". Contents: 113 pages of information detailing the story of country school district #20 built in 1866 for students in Wilton Township; also contains the story of the building's transition into a private residence for the Lawrence and Lois Yess family, its purchase by neighbor DeeAnn Britton and how she made good on a promise she made to Lois Yess to save and restore the building to its completion in 2018.; special sections include former teachers, students, township deed and plat information as well as photos of other Waseca County country schools; photos; indexed.
A Bit of
Judy Joecks
Judy Joecks