Book: Long way from Tipperary. Material: paper. Size: 6" x 9". Description: blue-green glossy card stock cover with map and sign graphics; title in red print, "A Long Way From Tipperary, a journey of Morrisseys, Ryans, Agnews to Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota". Contents: 359 pages detailing Irish immigrant families written by a descendant in this memoir/family history style; several brief references to Waseca County when author's great-grandparents, Patrick and Mary Ryan Morrissey farmed in Alton Township in the 1880s; both Patrick and Mary are buried in St. Mary's Cemetery of Waseca County; several black and white family photos are included.
A Long Way From Tipperary; journey of Morrisseys, Ryans, Horans and Agnews
Mike Morrissey
Mike Morrissey