Book, Family History
Crane-Myatt Genealogy Collection. Material: paper. Size: 8 1/2" x 11". Description: buff colored card stock cover with graphic of a branched tree holding representative family symbols, titled "Crane Myatt England America". Contents: facts, photos and figures concerning the family of Watson Crane and Anna Myatt, compiled by Edith Crane Hopman; Henry Crane English immigrant in 1648 to the Massachusetts Bay Colony; donor is a descendant of Henry Crane and the daughter of Gertrude Crane whose family eventually found their way to the Freedom Township area of Waseca County.
Donor Linda Schubbe Brandt Born was born to Gertrude Crane Schubbe the daughter of Verner and Stella Geary Crane who settled in Freedom Township, Waseca County. Linda graduated from Waldorf-Pemberton High School; she married Rodney Brandt. They were later divorced. Linda later married Larry Born. She was a long time school secretary to the superintendent first in Waldorf School District and later in Janesville-Waldorf-Pemberton School District.
Crane Myatt Genealogical Collection
Edith Crane Hopman