Directory, Telephone
Waseca Telephone Directory 1918. Material: paper. Size: 6" x 9". Description: brown card stock cover with black printed information: Directory of Subscribers, Waseca Telephone Company, 1918, Local & Long Distance, September; contents include instructions for use of city and rural telephones, general information about long distance calls, etc., officers of the company, advertisers, phone number alphabetical listings of rural and city subscribers.
Officers of the 1918 Waseca Telephone Company: President Dr. F. A. Swartwood, Vice President Dr. M. M. Davidson, Secretary C. A. Smith, Treasurer R. P. Ward, Cashier, Auditor and Manager J. E. Madden and Superintendent Harry Myers. Donated without a signed gift agreement by Joe and Sylva Dahl Kubicek, 9-8-2017.
Waseca Telephone Company Directory 1918