The First 90: A History of E. F. Johnson Technologies. Material: paper. Size: 8 1/2" x 11". Description: dark glossy card stock cover showing the graphic of two men talking beside an early 1900s automobile on a street in front of an early E. F. Johnson office and storefront; title on book: The First 90, A History of EF Johnson Technologies. Contents: 147 illustrated pages divided into the following chapters covering the years 1899-2014 including Beginnings, Early Components, The War Years, Amateur Radio, Diversification, The Company in the Edgar Johnson Era, Western Union, Diversified Energies, Weksel and Davies, Transcrypt International, EFJI and EF Johnson Technologies, Francisco Partners. Written by John Oblak, a career employee, whose passion it became to document the history of this unique company.
The First 90: A History of EF Johnson Technologies
John Oblak