Anton Weslely/Wesley Family Tree. Material: paper, plastic. Size: 9" x 11". Description: ivory colored card stock cover with black spiral binding and with black and white cover graphics of the 1898 farm plat of Iosco Township showing land owned by Anton Wesely around Lake Lily and Reeds Lake, Waseca County; Castle Garden port entry exterior and interior; cover title: The Anton Weseley/Wesley Family Tree. Contents: 199 pages of family history information and photographs; chapters on Anton and Mary Wesely, Frank and Mary Wesley, Joseph and Anna Weslely, Lige and Susann Wesely, Edward and Jennie Wesely Zimprich, Peter and Mary Wesely Weber, John and Antonia Wesely Jindra, Emil and Rose Wesely, and the Anton Wesely Register Report.
Wesley ancestors originated in Bohemia. A second book published by the same authors is "The Frank Wesley Family". Another book published by Marie Zimprich presents the life of Jennie Wesely.
Anton Wesely/Wesley Family Tree
Mary Lou Murphy Ihrke and J. Willis Wesley