Bank, Coin
1912 Approximate
Billiken Good Luck Figurine. Material: metal. Size: 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 4" H. Description: gold painted cast metal figurine bank; a chubby Buddha-like figure with a pointed head painted red, in a sitting position with the soles of its feet showing forward and a mischievous little grin on its face; a screw in the back holds the front and back together, and a slot in the upper back is large enough to insert coins; stamped on the front bottom base: "Billken"; stamped on the rear bottom base: "Good Luck".
The original "Billiken" was the idea of an illustrator in Kansas City, Florence Pretz. Over the years, the image that began as a sort of baby nymph with wings and pointed feet, evolved into a cherubic figure in a sitting position. It became a popular image and was dubbed by the Chicago Daily Tribune as a "Good Luck God". It even inspired the creation of Teddy-Billiken dolls when President Taft was elected in 1909. Eventually the fad faded and the good luck figure disappeared except in St. Louis where it became the permanent mascot of St. Louis University. This item was probably used as a coin bank in the McBride household.