Print, Photographic
Caroline and Morris Holbrook. Holbrook. Material: paper. Size: 2 3/4" x 4 1/2". Description: black and white photograph of Caroline Weightman Holbrook and Morris Holbrook standing outside on their Diamond Wedding Anniversary 1947. Caroline and Morris are Brent Otto Holbrook's parents. Newspaper article caption: "Married 75 years, Diamond Wedding Anniversary July 9. The New Richland Commercial club helped the couple celebrate the event with a 75th wedding anniversary program held Sunday in the New Richland park, across the street from the Holbrook home. Hon. Henry M. Gallagher of this city was the principal speaker. J.W. Kreuzer served as chairman of the general committee, giving the opening remarks. Music was furnished by the New Richland high school band, high school girls' sextette and the New Richland Men's Chorus. After the program the business men's club served refreshments."
Lillian Sutter married Bert Otto Holbrook 15 June 1915. Lillian and Bert were parents to Bert Morris Holbrook Jr. and Marion Evelyn Holbrook. Marion married Edward B. Lawson 6 June 1946. Marion's daughter is Marilyn J. Lawson, donor.