The History of Janesville, Minnesota, Sesquicentennial Issue. Material: paper. Size: 8 1/2" x 11". Description: white glossy card stock cover with black print: "The Sesquicentennial Issue, 1856-2006, The History of Janesville, Minnesota"; cover graphic photo showing the 10 grain bins situated at the west entrance to Janesville on the north side of old Highway 14, each bin painted with a letter and spelling JANESVILLE. Contents include 36 pages of Janesville's historical chronology covering the years 1981-2006 continuing from where the previous two history booklets left off in 1980. Many black and white photographs of Janesville residents at work and play, aerial views of the village, building construction, Hay Daze celebrations, recent history of Janesville businesses and churches as well as the Sesquicentennial Celebration.
Janesville's early years are recorded in two previous history booklets beginning with 1856. This issue attempts to cover significant happenings between 1981 and 2006 culminating in the celebration of its Sesquicentennial. Included in the celebration: a local talent show "Hee Haw", a 150th birthday party in City Park, an official Postal cancellation, Chamber Tent entertainment, historic prairie town in City Park, a cemetery walk in the Janesville Cemetery with local citizens reenacting earlier citizens, a vintage 1860s baseball game as well as Hay Daze concerts, the midway carnival and a parade through Janesville streets. Those given credit for planning, publication and photographs include Sharon Ewert, Jeff Ewert, Ivan Maas, Missy Peterson, Don Blaisdell, Jan Blaisdell, Karen Struck, Jean Lundquist, Virginia McCarthy, Dawn Strauss, Linda Finley, Mike Finley, Rena Hinton, Pauline Fenelon, Sheila Morris, Nate Zimmerman, Waseca County Historical Society, Janesville Argus/Waseca County News, Akorn Creations.
The History of Janesville, MInnesota; Sesquicentennial