E. F. Johnson Company Product. 8585 Viking CM Multi-Net Portable Chameleon. Material: metal, plastic. Size: 2" x 8" x 1 1/4" H. Description: black plastic and metal case; speaker at top; digital screen in center; push buttons: S, SCN, LCK, RTN, G, PHON, SEND, 1-9, 0, *, #; removable battery pack at bottom; antenna attached at top; separate talk switch attached to side; clip at back.
Waseca business: E.F. Johnson Co.; E.F. Johnson Company; E.F. Johnson Corporate Headquarters; E.F. Johnson Company Corporate Headquarters; E.F. Johnson Co. Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Co.; E. F. Johnson Company; E. F. Johnson Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Company Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Co. Corporate Headquarters. The Waseca E.F. Johnson Company museum closed the summer of 2015. John S. Oblak was the E.F. Johnson Company museum curator and donated items to the WCHS collection.