E. F. Johnson Company Catalog. Radio Communications Systems Catalog. Material: paper. Size: 8 1/2" x 11". Description: white cover; black and white photographs of E.F. Johnson Company products; black print: "Johnson Business/Industrial, A.M. 25-50 MHz, Radio Communications Systems, E.F. Johnson Company, Waseca, Minnesota, Telephone 507-835-2050, The E.F. Johnson Co. of Waseca, Minn., reserves the right to discontinue items, change specifications, design or prices at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation whatsoever."; 6 pages.
Waseca business: E.F. Johnson Co.; E.F. Johnson Company; E.F. Johnson Corporate Headquarters; E.F. Johnson Company Corporate Headquarters; E.F. Johnson Co. Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Co.; E. F. Johnson Company; E. F. Johnson Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Company Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Co. Corporate Headquarters.