Tin Horns and Calico; the Anti-Rent Wars in New York. Material: paper, textile. Size: 5 1/2" x 9". Description: red hard cover book with gold colored graphic of New York's Berne Historical Society 1970; contents: 377 illustrated pages of history detailing the struggle between the farming community of the New York hill towns and the wealthy patroons, known commonly as the Anti-Rent wars that began in 1839 and was resolved mainly in about 1846. William Brisbane reference.
Wilton settler, William Brisbane, figures prominently in the New York state anti-rent movement between 1839 and 1849; Brisbane left New York State in 1849, farmed for ten years in Wisconsin before settling in Wilton Township, Waseca County, Minnesota.
Tin Horns and Calico; a decisive episode in the emergence of democracy
Henry Christman
Hope Farm Press, New York