Photographs from the black cloth album, 12 1/2" x 10", of the George Erickson family, circa 1900-1920, showing the Waseca life of George Erickson, his parents, his brothers and sisters and friends. George Erickson became a famous magazine illustrator under the name, Eugene Iverd. The donor, Jean Sakamura is the daughter of George Erickson. George Erickson was the son of John Erickson (1861-1921) and Matilda (Nelson) Erickson (1867-1947). George had two brothers, John Albert Erickson (WHS class of 1911) and Carl Erickson (b. May 30, 1899, WHS class of 1919); and two sisters, Helen Erickson (Well) (b. March 12, 1904) and Lida Erickson (Peterson) (b. April 26, 1896, d. November 28, 1955, WHS class of 1916). George married his high school sweetheart, Lillian Remund (both WHS class of 1914) .