Janesville State Bank Anniversary Calendar 1998. Material: paper, metal. Size: 8 1/2" x 10 1/2". Description: tan card stock cover, folded and stapled to form booklet; cover photo of the original 1890s State Bank owned by the Jennison Bros. Co., with bank officers and customers posed in front; cover print: "Janesville State Bank, 100 Year Anniversary Calendar, 1898-1998"; contents: 12 pages of calendar months, each month features a full page photo: Town Hall; 1920 bank employees Zimmerman, Tollefson and Marx; Janesville Main Street before the 1887 fire; telephone operators Shaffer, Werdin and Day; World War I Savings Bond Committee: Miller, Jennison, Barden, Zimmerman, Finley, Brown, Dieudonne, Woodhall, Gordon, Nyquist, Schafer, Meyer, Hagen, Grams, Britton, Santo, Markham, Keeley and Severson; 1905 Street Fair welcome arch; 1930s bank employees Zimmerman, Wilkenson, Quast and Byron; 1910 Main Street; 1890s women's softball team wearing Civil War Union caps; 1920s street horse and chariot parade with Grapp Furniture, Koplen and Werdin Clothing Store visible; 1938 paved Main Street and vehicles; 1911 Commercial Club band showing the DeGraff Hotel and the Town Hall in background; brief history of Janesville and the State Bank on the back cover.