Card, Trade
Lewer, Woodhall, Cunningham Trade Card. Material: paper. Size: 5" x 6 1/4" Description: full-color image of "Irish Mother" on front; backside is a printed photograph of a farm house with a family and a car out front; "What would you take to lose one? What is it worth to keep them all on the farm?"
Waseca business: Lewer, Woodhall, Cunningham Company.Ewald W. Lewer was only 22 years of age when he built the Lewer building at S. State and 2nd Ave. S. W. He intended that the three-story structure would be a multi-purpose retail and office building to house his automobile business and others. He installed a large elevator capable of moving cars to the upper two levels for servicing and storage. In 1919, Ewald had partners and the business was known as Lewer, Woodhall and Cunningham, selling buggies, tractors, carriages in addition to the new automobiles.