Wright Family Fictionalized Story. Size: 8 1/2 x 11". Description: yellow card stock cover; black print: "Little Puke by Myrna Wright"; cover graphic sketch of a girl with a hobo bag over her shoulder; 46 pages; back cover color photo of the Waseca Wright family siblings in the 1940s: Bob, Dick, Myrna, Vernon, Carol and Kathy (Little Puke) Wright.
Myrna Wright wrote this story for her sister Kathleen Wright Rosenthal. The story is both fact and fiction and is set in the time of WWII. "The truthful part is the fact that my mother, in a desire to separate from my father, suddenly left home with little Kathy, traveling by train to San Diego leaving my older sister, me and three brothers at home in Waseca. It was a traumatic situation, in which I, as Sandy, the main character (age 9), attempt to rescue Kathy. Sandy's adventure upon losing her train ticket, revolves upon riding the rails and hooking up with hobos." Myrna spent time researching the life of the hobos and freight train travel in that era in order to provide an accurate rendition.
Little Puke
Myrna Wright