1915 Approximate
Master Clock. Material: wood, metal, glass. Size: 63 1/2" x 23" Description: wooden case - eyebrown top - glass front - silver metal pendulum - black print on face of clock: "Standard Electric Time Co. Springfield, Mass." - four black buttons on bottom responsible for monitoring the many "slave" or "seconday" clocks in other parts of buildings.
Waseca Central Intermediate School clock but came from the era when the school was called Waseca Senior High School. This clock was original to the building. Erwin Olson was the WHS Science teacher from 1937-1973 and he obtained the clock when the school upgraded to different clocks. Erwin Olson is the father of Carol Rausch. The Standard Electric Time Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, made electric time systems for public buildings, private industry, schools and other institutions. The systems consist of a master clock, and secondary (or slave) clocks located in any number of rooms. The slave clocks are electrically controlled by the master clock. Restored by Karl Jones November 2015.