Waseca High School Class of 1937, 60th Reunion. Waseca High School Class of 1937 Reunion. Material: paper, plastic. Size: 8 1/2" x 11". Description: clear vinyl cover, white plastic spiral binding over white copy paper; title page: Sixtieth Reunion, Class of 1937, Waseca, Minnesota, 1997; contents: 55th reunion summary, reprints of obituaries, class photos, class member biographical sketches, deceased class member list; Sacred Heart graduate information included.
Harold Frentz is a Waseca High School graduate, class of 1937. The class met in Waseca to celebrate their 70th class reunion in June, 2007. Reunions of Waseca Central High School and Sacred Heart High school were in 1957, 1977, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1997,2002 and 2007.