Print, Photographic
S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Barbershop Singers. Bruce Kugath, general chairman of the Waseca Barbershopper's 19th annual Parade of Quartets, is having a conference with his committee chairmen. His is shown seated, center, discussing plans with Boyd Fuller, the bearded publicity chairman, and President Ham Fay, to the right of Fuller. To the immediate left of Bruce is Paul Rude, director of the Barbershoppers, and Darrell Fagan, program chairman. To the right of President Fay are Marvin Thompson, advertising and LeRoy Miller, staging. Black and white photo. 4 1/4" W. x 3 1/2" H.
S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Barbershop Singers.