Clarence H. Johnston Biography. Material: paper. Size: 10 1/2" W. x 12 1/2" L. Description: brown hard cover with black paper dust cover displaying Johnston's photo and one of his building designs; contents: 206 numbered pages of information and photographs describing Johnston's formative years, his growth, architectural experimentation and his final years; appendices of Johnston's St. Paul buildings, those in outlying Minnesota and Wisconsin cities including several at the University of Minnesota and other Minnesota State Colleges and Institutions; appendix B includes the names of Johnston draftsmen; appendix C is a sample contract; index; autographed by author. Clarence Johnston.
Donated by Patti Hoversten with no donor agreement but with handwritten donor notes on flyleaf; Johnston was a native of Okaman, an early village in Waseca County.
Minnesota Architect: Life & Work of Clarence H. Johnston
Paul Clifford Larson
Afton Historical Society Press