Waseca Sleigh & Cutter Festival, 1959 Pfeffer Trophy. Material: metal, stone. Size: 3 1/4" diameter x 5" H. Description: white marble circular base supporting a gold metal hand of cards; gold metal plate on base: "Waseca Sleigh & Cutter Festival 1959 Pfeffer Champion." Waseca event: Sleigh & Cutter Festival; Sleigh and Cutter Festival.
Donor, Jean Larson Ashbacher, born and raised in Waseca, Minnesota, was the daughter of Gordon and Marion Hagen Larson. Gordon Larson worked at Waseca business: Guyer & Martinson Clothiers; he and Guyer's son purchased the business in the 1950s and it was renamed Guyer & Larson Clothiers. Larson was active in the community and in the 1968 Waseca Centennial, Sleigh & Cutter Festival activities. Waseca event: Sleigh & Cutter Festival; Sleigh and Cutter Festival.