RCA Console Radio. Material: wood, metal, glass. Size: 26 1/2" W. x 41 1/2" H. Description: wooden cabinet; the metal components can be accessed through the back; dial control above four brown plastic tuning knobs at front; printed on the glass dial control cover are names of cities such as: "Vatican City, Lima, Pitts'gh, Prague, Boston, N. York, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Moscow, London, Mexico, Huizen, Paris, Schen'y, Budapest" and "MC 15.10 15.15 15.20 15.25 15.30 15.35 MC", names of cities such as: "Panama City, Winnipeg, Guatemala City, Tokyo, London, Prague, Mexico City, Paris, Boston, Berlin, Rome, N. York, Pittsburgh" and "MC 11.70 11.75 11.80 11.85 11.90", "Standard Broadcast Police" "KC 550 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 KC", names of cities such as: "Mexico City, Hong Kong, Berlin, London, Moscow, Cartagena, Herida, London, Schen'y, Veracruz, Sp'f'ld, Phila, Panama City, Rome, Buenos Aires" "MC 9.50 9.55 9.60 9.65 MC", names of cities such as: "Guatemala City, Havana, Panama, London, Toronto, Winnipeg, Mexico City, Mapacaibo, Vatican City, Berlin, Boston, Cinci, Chicago, N. York, Pitts'gh, Caracas, Trujillo City, La Ceiba", "MC 5.95 6.00 6.05 6.10 6.15 6.20 MC."
1936 R.C.A. Console Radio. Presented to the museum by Howard Graham, who purchased it second hand in 1952, from Norman Neste.