1869 Approximate
Lufkin Oak Ruler. Material: wood, metal. Size: 1 1/8" W. x 36" L. x 1/8" D. Description: oak stick - flat rectangular tool extends upward to a rounded shaft grip handle - brass base (1 1/2" W. x 2" L.) - numerals carved along the length of the ruler in two inch increments from base to handle in three rows - stamped near top: of handle: "The E.T. Lufkin Rule Cleveland, O" - black numbers along tool -square metal base.
1869 "Founded by Edward T. Lufkin in Cleveland, Ohio. It was known as Lufkin Board and Log Rule Co. The company manufactured steel folding rules, tapes, log rules, and lumber related items." WCHS Accession Book states: "Measuring device see #2158": "This is fastened on a yellow display board at the downtown museum. All numbers from 2158 thru 2177 are on the same board."