Machine, Permanent Wave
Electric Permanent Wave Machine. Material: metal, glass. Size: 80" H. x 25 1/2" W. base. Description: black metal base with four legs attached to four silver metal casters; a silver, adjustable metal pole extends to a black control box at top with switches that read: "Volts 110 AC-DC Model A54 Amps 11", "Spiral on off", "Croquignole on off and "Bonat"; switch at bottom: "Test on off Curl Made in U.S.A."; large metal circle on side of pole with two glass light bulbs and three chains underneath; 14 black boxes on side of metal circle with two wires extending down from each; one big silver metal hair curler clip at the end of each wire labled: "Model D-33 Bonat"; black electrical outlet cord attached at top.
First permanent wave machine used in Waseca in 1920. A permanent wave was given on this machine in 1950.