Print, Photographic
Historical Cemetery Walk at Janesville Cemetery. 6" x 4" color photograph of visitors at the Janesville "Tales of the Tombstones" Cemetery Walk on June 17, 2006; at center identified are Joan Mooney (hat), and Steve DeLaitsch, far right in distance demonstrating stone engraving.
Janesville, Minnesota celebrated its 150th Anniversary, the Sesquicentennial in June 2006, during its annual Hay Daze weekend. One of the events was the Janesville Cemetery Walk organized by Jean Lundquist with help from the Waseca County Historical Society, Margaret Sinn, director; and Joan Mooney, Program Coordinator. The program was presented to groups of 12 every 10 minutes starting at 1:30 until 2:50 p.m. Historical players dressed in period costumes stood beside their grave and talked of their lives.