1980 Approximate
Matchbook from Dean's Specialty Supply Co. Material: paper, metal, sandpaper, match heads. Size: 2" W. x 2 1/8" L. (folded). Description: orange cardstock cover with yellow edge, yellow and black graphics and printed information on front and back: "Dean's Manufacturer Jobber Distributor Specialty Supply Co. Milk Replacers Dried Molasses Waseca, Minn. (507) 835-2160 - Sioux Falls, S.D. (605) 339-1110"; narrow grit covered striking patch at lower back bottom; inside contains multiple white matchheads on black cardboard stems, black graphics and printing: map of the area 5-state region, logos and names of products and "10 Trucks for prompt delivery".
Waseca business: Dean's Specialty Supply Co.