Card, greeting
Valentine Greeting Card. Material: paper. Size: 4 1/2" x 3". Description: heart-shaped Valentine greeting card, hand made, with printed tiger image and handwritten messages; layered, taped and sent back and forth between Ruth Paulson and Lloyd Peterson, friends for over 70 years, from 1931 to 2003.
Donation made on behalf of Ruth Paulson Schweers and Arlene Schmidt Peterson. The Otisco Valentine: About 1931, Ruth Paulson, a third-grader, and Lloyd Peterson, a second-grader, exchanged Valentines at District #46 Country School near Otisco, Minnesota. It was forgotten who gave the valentine to the other first, but it was returned the next year with additions. Ruth and Lloyd continued to exchange the same valentine for over 70 years. They were friends, but did not date each other. Ruth married Dean Schweers in April 1942; Lloyd married Arlene Schmidt in June 1942. The tiger valentine continued to be exchanged. Ruth moved to California in 1951, and the valentine exchange continued until February 14, 2003 when no tiger valentine arrived. Ruth called Waseca and learned that Lloyd had died. The little tiger valentine wouldn't be making any more trips. (Narrative attached to accession form.)