Print, Photographic
E. F. Johnson Company Employees. Engineering and Research Department. 8 1/4" x 6 1/2" black and white photograph of four E. F. Johnson Co. Engineering and Research Department; employees are meeting around a desk in discussion, shown, the Viking Invader Transmitter; identitifed L-R: Duane Morris, Gailand Childs, Fred Hager, and Joe Kozan; photographed by Huneke Studio, Waseca, Minn.; photograph printed in company brochure. Checking drawings on the E.F. Johnson Company's new Invader Transmitter are L-R: Duane Morris, Gailand Childs, Fred Hager, and Joe Kozan of the engineering department. The Invader Transmitter is a relatively new product having been first announced last February 4. At that time only 25 models were distributed and those for testing purposes. Since then it has had a ready acceptance.
Waseca business: E.F. Johnson Co.; E.F. Johnson Company; E.F. Johnson Corporate Headquarters; E.F. Johnson Company Corporate Headquarters; E.F. Johnson Co. Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Co.; E. F. Johnson Company; E. F. Johnson Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Company Corporate Headquarters; E. F. Johnson Co. Corporate Headquarters.