Material: paper. Size: 10 1/2" W. x 15 3/4" L. Description: white glossy cover of McCall's Magazine for November 1922 - cover model is of a young woman in a short sleeved, scooped neckline white dress with a dropped waist belt of red rosettes and holding a feather plume - subscriber: "Miss Nora Breck of 809 n. 2nd St., Waseca Minn." stamped on cover - price "10 cents" displayed prominently - feature story" Fortune's Fool" begins in this issue, by the author of "Scaramouche" - 84 pages of stories, features and ads - well-known products advertised in this issue include Armstrong Linoleum, Crisco, Campbell's Soups, Fels-Naptha soap, Swift & Co. Premium Meats, Brunswick Phonographs, Eureka Vacuum Cleaners, Hanes Underwear, Knox Gelatine, Sun-Maid Raisins, Pyrex Ovenware, Colgate's Dental Cream, Montgomery Ward & Co., Kirsch Curtain Rods, Bayer Aspirin, Gold Dust Washing Powder and the Victrola Talking Machine Company.
McCall's Magazine, November 1922