Print, Photographic
1930 Approximate
Harold Sunde. 3" x 4" black and white photograph of Harold Sunde, "born in New Richland, Minn., where he has spent his entire life. He is the son of Paul Sunde, the first merchant of New Richland, a graduate of New Richland High School in the second class of the school. He was associated with his father in the mercantile business for many years. Later his brother-in-law, J. W. Romine, became a partner in the firm, and that firm was known for many years as the Sunde-Romine Mercantile Company. It was considered as one of the most up-to-date stores in southern Minnesota. He is the owner of several farms and a large share-holder in the New Richland State Bank. He is also a director of the same bank. Harold served as Superintendent of the Trinity Lutheran Sunday School for over 30 years. In World War I he entered the YMCA service and served as a secretary in England and Russia. He is interested in any worthwhile undertaking. A wonderful fellow and a real friend. 12-12-43"
During Herman Peterson's work at the Waseca County Historical Society, he collected portraits and biographies of many friends and Waseca area businessmen and professionals.