Print, Photographic
Anton Stucky. 3 1/4" x 4 1/2" black and white photograph; Anton Stucky, "called by everyone . . . born in Dodge County, Minn., on March 20, 1867. After completing his education he came to Waseca in 1899 as a partner with Steve Preston, operating the Preston-Stucky Drug Store. After the death of Mr. Preston in 1914, he took over the store and with his son, Paul, is still operating the Stucky Drug Store. Although 80 years old Mr. Stucky is very active. He served on the Waseca Board of Education for 18 years, is a member of Tuscan Lodge No. 77-AF & AM, Royal Arch Chapter Knight Templar, and the Osman Temple, St. Paul. He is a member of the Episcopal Church and a member of many civic and social organizations of Waseca. He is one of Waseca's most highly respected citizens. His son, Anton Jr., operates a drug store at Waterville. It can truly be said that the world is better off because he lived. Best of health and luck for many more years to come."
During Herman Peterson's work at the Waseca County Historical Society, he collected portraits and biographies of many friends and Waseca area businessmen and professionals.