Robe, Fraternal
1910 Approximate
Odd Fellows Ceremonial IOOF Robe of Inner Guard. First Degree Costume. Material: textile, metal. Size: 20" W. x 8" L. Description (front): black velvet robe with red satin band at waistline and hemline embroidered with gold silk scrolling; round neckline; front closure with nine brass buttons (two missing); long sleeves. Back side and sleeve description: black velvet with center back yellow shield trimmed with an embroidered lion; wide band of gold embroidered red satin encircles robe at waistline and hemline; light blue satin stripes embroidered with gold metallic thread encircle cuffs and shoulder area. (add front photo to this record)
Waseca organization: Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.), a secret society for the mutual aid and benefit of the members, originated in England in the 18th Century. Odd Fellows ceremonial robe. First degree costume of Inner Guard. Used by Waseca Comee Lodge #25.