Print, Photographic
Lenore Norswing. 1" x 1 1/2" black and white portrait photograph of Mrs. G. T. (Lenore) Norswing, Treasurer, 1941-1943, Reading Literature, 1948-1950, President, 1950-1952, District Promotions Secretary, 1954, So. Minn. Dist. President, 1957--of the New Richland Lutheran Ladies Aid; on a page entitled, ""Circuit Department Secretaries, New Richland Lutheran Ladies Aid, New Richland (Minn.)"
These are partial photograph albums with portraits and narrative regarding the church history of several Waseca County churches, including the New Richland Lutheran Ladies Aid; Grace Lutheran Church, Waseca; Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid, LeSueur River Lutheran Congregation, Norwegian Lutheran Church, First English Lutheran Church, and the North Waseca Lutheran Church. Mrs. Norswing was also an English teacher for many years in the New Richland High School.