Herter's Archers Glove. Material: plastic, paper, textile. Size: 4 1/4" W. x 8 1/2" L. Description: tan leather archery glove; three finger cots; strap designed to encircle wrist with snap closure at front; leather piece and three straps extend over top of hand; black print on glove: "Herter's Qk1e Large"; packaged in plastic bag; white label stapled at top, red print: Herter's Since 1893, with Herter logo crest; white paper sticker on front of plastic: "Herter's Waseca Qkie LG PO $2.57"; white paper sticker on back of plastic: "Herter's Mitchell Sept 1976."
Waseca business: Herter's Inc. Herter; Herters; Herter's.