Print, Photographic
Methodist Bible Study Class. 6 1/2" x 8 1/4" black and white photograph of a Bible Class of the Methodist Church in 1881. There are three rows of men and women pictured and numbered in hand writing indicating identities, back row; (1) Mrs. Lawrence, (2) Mr. Lawrence, (3) Mrs. Dan Ballard, (4) Dan Ballard, (5) Isaac Ballard, (6) Grandma Parmely or Parmelee or Parmeley, (7) Eri Wood, (8) Grandma Child, (9) Mrs. Harding, (10) Mrs. Hull, (11) Mrs. Gunn, (12) Mrs. McWherter (or McQuarter), (13) Mrs. O. Powell, (14) Miss Hull, (15) Mrs. Long, (16) Mrs, Wm. Taylor, (17) Grandma Whitney, (18) Mrs. Hi Mosher, (19) Mrs. Christenson, (20) Mrs. Eri Wood and (21) Mrs. Johnston.
picture has ink pen numbers hand written on each individual corresponding to the names typed on the back of photograph. Hand written notation below picture indicates a Bible Class of the Methodist Church in 1881, Waseca, Minn.