7042 a,b,c,d
Set, Kitchen utensil
1900 Approximate
Material: wood, metal. (a) Masher. Size: 1 1/8" diameter x 3 7/8" H. Description: unfinished wood ball attached to a red painted wooden upright turned handle - handle attached to masher end with a narrow metal ring. (b) Rolling pin. Size: 7/8" diameter x 5 3/4" L. Description: unfinished wooden cylinder - metal rod inserted through roller - one turned handle on each end. (c) Mixing bowl. Size: 1 7/8" diameter x 5/8" H. diameter. Description: unfinished wooden bowl-shaped. (d) Bread board. Size: 4 7/8" W. x 6 3/4" L. x 1/4" D. Description: unfinished wooden rectangle.
Toys & Games.