62.84.1 a,b,c
1918 Approximate
Van Heusen White Cotton Buttonholed with Packaging. (a) Collar. Material: textile. Size: 3 3/8" W. x 17 3/4" L. Description: white cotton - narrow rectangular band with tapered ends - three shirt attaching button holes - black stamped information inside neckband: "Van Heusen Patents Jan. 22, 1918, July 5, 1921 Phillips-Jones Corp. Makers U.S.A." and "Van Dean No Starch Iron Flat While Damp" and "16 1/4". (b) Package. Material: paper. Size: 2 7/8" W. x 10 3/8" L. Description: tan and green opaque paper - black printed information and collar style graphics. [c] Instruction sheet. Material: paper. Size: 4 1/4" square. Description: white paper - black printed information.