Print, Lithograph
Waldorf Railroad Depot. Duluth, St. Cloud, Glencoe, and Mankato Railroad Depot. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Depot. Milwaukee Railroad Depot. Waldorf Railroad Depot Lithograph. 9" x 12" color lithographic print of the abandoned railroad depot in Waldorf. Colors in shades of brown with some green; background is white; view shows the side of the depot with the telegrapher's window. Print 1/185, signed by the artist, Ray Luedtke.
Waldorf Depots & Railroads. Printed in 1985 from a watercolor made by Raymond G. Luedtke (donor) of LaGrange, IL. He was a graduate of Waldorf High School, Class of 1934. The painting was based on his impressions of the depot in the summer of 1984.