Uniform, Military, WWII Necktie
1944 Approximate
Material: textile. Size: 6 1/2" W. x 35 1/2" L. Description: light blue sateen strip - ends taper to a point. Part of U.S. Coast Guard SPAR Uniform that includes: cap, garrison cap, blouse, shirt, skirts, slacks, belt and service crests.
Waseca County Military - U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, SPAR. Dorothy Hodgkins was a SPAR, a member of the women's reserve of the U.S. Coast Guard. ("SPAR" - s(emper) par (atus) means "always ready" and is the motto of the U.S. Coast Guard. From 1943-45, she worked with public health doctors & nurses in sick bay & the dental clinic. She was stationed in St. Augustine, Florida at a Coast Guard training station. Later she was located in Washington, D.C. at Coast Guard headquarters. See donor gift agreement for more biographical information on Dorothy Hodgkins Gigeay.